I would love to consult with you regarding your needs to determine if they fall within the scope of my training, experience and interests.
Professional Interests
Preworking & Reworking Relationships
We can ...
Prework your relationship to give you skills prior to engaging in a relationship.
Rework your existing relationship.
I am passionate about teaching healthy relationship skills
Evaluate relationship rules of engagement
Obtain awareness about healthy and unhealthy relationship features
Develop healthy communication, attachment, boundaries and more
Social skills…what are those…why do I need them…what will they do for me?
Do You ...
View yourself as socially awkward
Dread social settings or avoid them altogether
Feeling conflicted because you keep telling yourself you like being alone but often feel lonely and wish you had more friendships
Let’s work on your social skills and maybe a little social anxiety too!
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)
It’s NOT ADD! I know you are saying…” but I am not hyperactive!”
Ok, let’s talk ADHD types!
I don't mean to interrupt people.
I just randomly remember things & get really excited!
Inattentive Type
What did you say? … I was hyper focused!
ADHD Common Co-occurring Disorders:
Let me just say…I have A LOT of personal experience in this area.
As an advanced degreed professional and someone who has been diagnosed ADHD; I have been on a personal journey pursuing advanced skills that will assist in achieving my academic and professional ambitions.
Let’s just say I may know a thing or two about ADHD!
Treatment Focus & Experience
Teens 18yrs+, adults, couples, and families
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)Reprocessing Trauma Based Material DES Scale
TCI Trauma TrainingTraumatic Stress Recovery Community Disasters Trauma and Couples Trauma and Law Enforcement
Collin Ross Trauma TrainingPTSD Abuse
Crisis Management and InterventionThreat Assessment
Narcissistic Abuse RecoveryNarcissistic Relationship Cycle Overt & Covert Narcissists Emotional Blackmail Gaslighting, Manipulation & Confusion Power & Control Toxic Parents
Personality DisordersBipolar Narcissist Borderline Dependent
Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring DisordersTreatment Planning for Multiple Diagnosis
Safe ConversationsIntimate Relationship Dialogue Peaceful Communication By Helen Hunt & Harvell Hendrix
Prepare & Enrich CertifiedPremarital Marital
Gottman Marital CounselingLevel 1 Training Level 2 Training By Julie Schwartz Gottman & Dr. John Gottman